Victim character become invisible during agressor "Yarimusi" finishing move.

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Victim character become invisible during agressor "Yarimusi" finishing move.

Post by sonicdriller06 »

I'm total beginner of Mugen. I played Mugen but never edited something myself.

In 18+ Mugen, there is a insect raper character named "Yarimusi." It is very old character, so maybe this character is outdated. One of Yarimusi's special finishing move is, abducting the victim character to the egg-laying chamber, and laying egg to finish the game. However, whatever character I try, I cannot see the opponent during this finishing move.

I attached the debug mode screen shot. From lower left of the screenshot, we can see "ACTIONID: 776" and "STATE NO: 6062". From screenshot, you can see that the opponent victim character become invisible.

Inside the Yarimusi.air file, I can see

Code: Select all

[Begin Action 776]
-1,0, 0,0, 6000
But this is everything about Action 776 inside air file and I couldn't find anything further.

So I look for State 6062. In this case, I found multiple cns files contains State 6062 keyword. Those are YarimusiB, YarimusiD, YarimusiE, YarimusiF, YarimusiG, YarimusiG2, YarimusiH, and YarimusiHelper cns files. Among them, I can see YarimusiH.cns contains 77 State 6062 contents, and YarimusiG2.cns contains 50 State 6062 contents. Yarimusi.cmd provide following list of files:

Code: Select all

Cmd      = Yarimusi.cmd.txt          ;入力コマンド定義ファイルの登録
Cns      = YarimusiA.cns          ;基本ステータス情報ファイルの登録
St       = YarimusiA.cns            ;動作プログラムファイルの登録(最大10個くらい増やせます(St,St0,St1,St2......))
St0    = YarimusiB.cns             ;動作プログラムファイルの登録(最大10個くらい増やせます(St,St0,St1,St2......))
St1     = YarimusiHelper.cns   ;States
St2    = YarimusiC.cns
St3    = YarimusiD.cns
St4    = YarimusiE.cns
St5    = YarimusiF.cns
St6    = YarimusiG.cns
St7    = YarimusiH.cns
StCommon = common1.cns       ;コモン動作プログラムファイルの登録
Sprite   = Yarimusi.sff          ;複数のPCX画像を1パック化したスプライトファイルの登録
Anim     = Yarimusi.air          ;アニメーションファイルの登録
Sound    = Yarimusi.snd          ;複数のWAV音声を1パック化したサウンドファイルの登録
Since YarimusiH.cns contains the most State 6062 contents and lies at the bottom of st file list from cmd file, I checked YarimusiH.cns file. I can't copy and paste all 77 occurrence but here are some examples:

Code: Select all

[State 6062, キャラ消し]
type = AssertSpecial
trigger1 = 1
flag = invisible

[State 6062, アニメ変え]
type = changeanim
trigger1 = time = 120
value = 2012

[State 6062, ]
type = targetState
trigger1 = Time = 120
value = 18210


[State 6062,0]
type = Explod
trigger1 = Time = 120
id = 2010
ownpal = 0
sprpriority = -1
pos = 35, -20
postype = p1
bindtime = -1
anim = 2012
removetime = 300
scale = 1.0, 1.0

[State 6062,0]
type = Explod
trigger1 = Time = 120
id = 2011
ownpal = 0
sprpriority = 4
pos = 35, -20
postype = p1
bindtime = -1
anim = 2013
removetime = 300
scale = 1.0, 1.0

[State 6062, キャラ消し]
type = ScreenBound
trigger1 = 1
value = 0

[State 6062, 位置変更]
type = TargetBind
trigger1 = time = 120
pos = 49, -49

[State 6062]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = AnimElem = 4 || AnimElem = 6 || AnimElem = 7 || AnimElem = 8
value = 8150, 2

[State 6062,0]
type = removeExplod
trigger1 = Time = 300
id = 2011

[State 6062,0]
type = removeExplod
trigger1 = Time = 300
id = 2010


[State 6062, 位置変更]
type = TargetBind
trigger1 = time >= 0
pos = 49, -49

[State 6062, キャラ消し]
type = ScreenBound
trigger1 = 1
value = 0

[State 6062, キャラ消し]
type = AssertSpecial
trigger1 = 1
flag = invisible


[State 6062,0]
type = Explod
trigger1 = Time = 0
id = 2010
ownpal = 0
sprpriority = 4
pos = 35, -20
postype = p1
bindtime = -1
anim = 2010
removetime = 1200
scale = 1.0, 1.0

[State 6062,0]
type = Explod
trigger1 = Time = 0
id = 2011
ownpal = 0
sprpriority = -1
pos = 35, -20
postype = p1
bindtime = -1
anim = 2011
removetime = 1200
scale = 1.0, 1.0
[State 6062]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = AnimElem = 3 || AnimElem = 8 || AnimElem = 14 || AnimElem = 20 || AnimElem = 26
trigger2 = AnimElem = 32 || AnimElem = 38 || AnimElem = 44 || AnimElem = 50
trigger3 = AnimElem = 56 || AnimElem = 62 || AnimElem = 68 || AnimElem = 74
trigger4 = AnimElem = 80 || AnimElem = 86 || AnimElem = 92 || AnimElem = 98
trigger5 = AnimElem = 104 || AnimElem = 110 || AnimElem = 116 || AnimElem = 122
trigger6 = AnimElem = 128 || AnimElem = 134 || AnimElem = 140
trigger7 = AnimElem = 146 || AnimElem = 152 || AnimElem = 158
trigger8 = AnimElem = 164 || AnimElem = 170 
value = 8150, 2

[State 6062]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = AnimElem = 4 || AnimElem = 11 || AnimElem = 17 || AnimElem = 23
trigger2 = AnimElem = 29 || AnimElem = 35 || AnimElem = 41 || AnimElem = 47
trigger3 = AnimElem = 53 || AnimElem = 59 || AnimElem = 65 || AnimElem = 71
trigger4 = AnimElem = 77 || AnimElem = 83 || AnimElem = 89 || AnimElem = 95
trigger5 = AnimElem = 101 || AnimElem = 107 || AnimElem = 113 || AnimElem = 119
trigger6 = AnimElem = 125 || AnimElem = 131 || AnimElem = 137 || AnimElem = 143
trigger7 = AnimElem = 149 || AnimElem = 155 || AnimElem = 161 || AnimElem = 168
trigger8 = AnimElem = 181 
value = 8150, 3

[State 6062]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = AnimElem = 181
value = 8150, 1

[State 6062]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = AnimElem = 173 || AnimElem = 175 || AnimElem = 177 || AnimElem = 179 
value = 3652, 0

[State 6062]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = AnimElem = 173
value = 0, 6

[State 6062]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = AnimElem = 173
value = 1, 2
[State 6062, キャラ消し]
type = ScreenBound
trigger1 = 1
value = 0

[State 6062, キャラ消し]
type = AssertSpecial
trigger1 = 1
flag = invisible
With State 6062, I can see some lines like flag = invisible, Screenbound with value = 0, TargetBind, Explod, and TargetState with some values like 19240, 18210, or 12018. But I really don't know how to fix this, and where to even begin with.

I really hope to resolve this missing opponent. May I ask where to begin with this information to fix this issue? How can I resolve this problem of missing/invisible opponent character during this move for Yarimusi?
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Re: Victim character become invisible during agressor "Yarimusi" finishing move.

Post by MadgearVSShadaloo »

Good on you for actually doing the work and investigate , In the most likely case of Victim disapearance (assuming the agressor is working proper)
Either the victim is missing some particular sprites or some particular anim indexes.

So its possible the agressor use changeanim2 to self animate the victim using its code but the victim sprites (and thus nothing if the sprites are not there )
Or He's just asking for an anim index and the victim doesn't have it.
So, check for what are the anim indexes in a compatible victim and look for changeanim and changeanim 2 in the victim states of the agressor.
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Re: Victim character become invisible during agressor "Yarimusi" finishing move.

Post by KotBehemot »

So, from what I remember, Yarimusi calls for an animation that's rather rare. I had modified a character to be functional with that attack/finisher.

Anyway, looks like it relates to StateDef 29025 which is forced upon the Victim by StateDef 29010 which runs animation 29005, and Explods for 29006 through 29008. Basically, you need Character-based animations under number 29025 and 29035. 29045 appears to be unused and the animation isn't referenced, while Statedef is (that uses 29025).

So, you supposedly only need to create character-copy of the appropriate animation using the basic animation in Yarimusi file's as reference.

There also appears to be reference to 15908, but I can't figure out how it pertains to anything if at all.
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