Giving Credits For those who Made Characters

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Giving Credits For those who Made Characters

Post by LewdTamamo »

I am Writing this because i may not talk much nor have much of a Notice here but will say this i am glad to have tryed many NSFW characters from this site and others and to say i am giving credit to those who worked hard on making half of these characters that i am able to use while some may be un seen Creators who might never come back but when i look at half of the characters i currently have I can feel and sense how much work has been into this and i Will Admit sometimes wish could Do what half of You guys can do haha if i had a medal would give each creator one for the work they do and im sure that lately alot of people have been begging but as i said here to give a Roar of Applause For many because Sometimes I feel you need to be praised for what you do and Also if i had money maybe would pay for a character myself but do hope that i can see more awesome nsfw character Even into the next year and hoping maybe see some new Creators