Posts (Customize posts using BBCode)

Tutorials about how to post images, videos, links, etc.
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Posts (Customize posts using BBCode)

Post by hcm_aj »

Customize posts using BBCode

When you are creating topics or posts you can customize them with adding links, colors to your text, creating lists, adding images, embed videos, etc with this useful toolbar.
Here you can read a the BBCode guide.

When you use BBCode, you use "tags" like this:

Code: Select all

It always begins with tag and ends with another tag with a / inside.
:!: Make sure to close your tags or your text won't display properly.

Below you can read another BBCode guide with images ;)

Bold text. Make text bold.

Code: Select all

[b]This is bold text[/b]
Result: This is bold text

Italic text. Make text italic.

Code: Select all

[i]This is italic text[/i]
Result: This is italic text

Underline text. Make text underline.

Code: Select all

[u]This is underline text[/u]
Result: This is This is underline text

Quote text. Quote a text.

Code: Select all

[quote]Quote a text[/quote]
Quote text

Code display. Display code without convert it to html code.

Code: Select all

[code]This is code[ /code]

List. Display a list.

Code: Select all

[*]This is a list
[*]With multiple items
  • This is a list
  • With multiple items

Ordered list. Display a ordered list with numbers.

Code: Select all

[*]This is a Ordered list
[*]With multiple items
  1. This is a Ordered list
  2. With multiple items

List item. List item for ordered or unordered lists.

Code: Select all

[*]Item 1
Please see the examples above with unordered and ordered lists.

:!: Here is a more complete guide about Ordered and Unordered lists with BBCode.

Insert Image. Insert a image in your post. You need to copy the URL of the image. Read this guide about uploading images.
There are 2 ways to insert a image:

Code: Select all


Insert URL. Insert a link to any site, image, etc. This button display a window to add the URL.
Manually there are 2 ways to insert a link:

Code: Select all

[url=]HCM Mugen[/url]
HCM Mugen

Media Embed. Embed content such as videos and audio from some allowed sites (i.e Twitter posts with videos or text).

Code: Select all


The following sites are supported:
amazon, audioboom, audiomack, bandcamp, bitchute, bleacherreport, break, brightcove, coub, dailymotion, dumpert, eighttracks, facebook, flickr, funnyordie, gamespot, gametrailers, getty, gfycat, gifs, globalnews, gofundme, googledrive, googlesheets, hudl, hulu, ign, imdb, imgur, indiegogo, instagram, internetarchive, izlesene, jwplatform, kickstarter, libsyn, liveleak, livestream, mailru, medium,, metacafe, mixcloud, msnbc, natgeovideo, nhl, npr, orfium, pastebin, pinterest, podbean, pornhub, prezi, reddit, rutube, scribd, slideshare, spotify, steamstore, stitcher, strawpoll, streamable, streamja, teamcoco, telegram, theatlantic, tiktok, traileraddict, tumblr, twitch, twitter, ustream, vbox7, veoh, vevo, videodetective, vimeo, vine, vk, vocaroo, vox, xboxclips, xboxdvr, xvideos, youku, youtube.

Font Colour. Display a list of colors for the text. It's possible to add hexadecimal colors manually.

Code: Select all

[color=#FF0000]This text color is red.[/color]
Result: This text color is red.

Font Size. Display a list of possible font sizes. It's possible to add the size manually. Please don't add huge font sizes.

Code: Select all

[size=85]This is small.[/size]  [size=150]And this is Large![/size]
Result: This is small. And this is Large!

Image Image
Copy / Paste text. The "copy button" copy the selected text. Only the "Paste button" can paste the text selected by the "Copy button".
Shortcut keys such as Ctrl + C or Ctrl + V are not compatible with These 2 buttons.

Remove BBCode. Remove all BBCode tags from the selected text.
:!: Be careful when you use this button.

Font Menu. Display a list with different fonts you can use for your text.

Code: Select all

[font=Times New Roman]The font name is "Times New Roman"[/font]
Result: The font name is "Times New Roman"

Highlight text. Highlights the selected text with yellow background. It's possible to change the default background color using hexadecimal colors.

Code: Select all

[highlight=#73c3ea]Highlighted text[/highlight]
Result: Highlighted text

Align text. It's used for aligning the content to left, right, center, or justify.
:idea: Options: center, left, right, justify

Code: Select all

[align=center]Centered text [/align]
[align=right]Right text[/align]
Center text
Right text

Float text. Float text to left or right.
:idea: Options: left, right

Code: Select all

[float=right]Float text[/float]
Float text

Strikethrough text. Add a line through the selected text.

Code: Select all

[s]Strikethrough text[/s]
Result: Strikethrough text

Drop shadow text. Adds shadow to the text. It's possible to change the shadow color using hexadecimal colors.

Code: Select all

[dropshadow=#1010c6]Text with shadow[/dropshadow]
Result: Text with shadow

Blur text. Blurs selected text. It's possible to change the color using hexadecimal colors.

Code: Select all

Result: Blur

Text fadein / fadeout. Add fade-in/fade-out effect.

Code: Select all

[fade]Fade effect[/fade]
Result: Fade effect

Spoiler message. Add a spoiler container.

Code: Select all

► Show Spoiler

Off Topic message. Add a Off-Topic container.

Code: Select all

[offtopic]Off topic[/offtopic]
Off Topic
Off topic

Alert message. Add an Alert container.

Code: Select all

[mod=user_name]This is an alert[/mod]
 ! Message from: user_name
This is an alert

Table. Create tables using ASCII-style formats. User Guide

Code: Select all

| Header 1 | Header 2 |
| Cell 1   | Cell 2   |
Header 1Header 2
Cell 1Cell 2

SoundCloud. Embed any tracks or playlists from SoundCloud using the url. It's possible to embed 1 or more tracks.

Code: Select all


VIDEO. As the Media button, this button embed any video. Displays a window with the list of allowed sites and an example of the link. (Example of allowed links: Twitter posts, videos from Youtube, Pornhub or Xvideos, etc).
:arrow: Visit this link for a full explanation!

Code: Select all

HCM Admin :D