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HCM Intro Logo Storyboard & Screenpack specific splash screens

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 7:25 am
by Magatsukiā˜½
Here's a set of intro storyboards featuring
the Elecbyte, M.U.G.E.N & HCM (Hentai Char Mugen) logos.
as well as splash screens for HCM specific screenpacks
to commemorate the forum's creation.

a splash screen version for M.U.G.E.N screenpacks or full-games
It plays all of the storyboards and displays a promo of the screenpack used
the CVSI one is in the example video above

Queen Of Fighters 2019

& 2011 versions

and the filler sprite
of 9859 , 0 can be substituted for any full-game or screenpack promo.


but if you don't want all that or are not using any of those screenpacks
here are stand-alone versions of the HCM and Elecbyte M.u.g.e.n
logos~ both in 1080 and 480 localcoord versions
Art & Image credits to Mizusage/Redllight & Cosine
and audio to pcruzn

Re: HCM Intro Logo Storyboard & Screenpack specific splash screens

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:15 pm
by LoverOfLight
Sorry to bother you, but what do we do with it? How do we install? Which folder are these files meant for?